Friday, December 31, 2010
New Year Wishes from HelpWithAssignment Team!
Monday, December 27, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
C++ Assignment help at
The American National Standards Institute guarantees C and C++ languages. This guarantee is important because it denotes that every ANSI standard computer can run ANSI C++ programs. This means that C++ programs are portable.
In C++ a large program is broken down into a series of smaller programs or sub-programs. These sub-programs can be solved more or less independently and then combined to arrive at a complete solution.
As C++ is an object-oriented programming language, it is better to know what object-oriented programming language means. Object-orientation or simply ‘objects’ mean using data fields and methods together with interactions to design applications and computer programs. In other words the programming techniques focus more on data rather than the processes.
Main Concepts in Object-oriented programming language are Classes and Objects, Member functions, Private and Public Members. Classes are similar to C structure, except that the definition of the data structure, and all of the functions that operate on the data structure are grouped together in one place. An object is an instance of a class (an instance of the data structure). Objects share the same functions with other objects of the same class, but each object or instance has its own copy of the data structure. A class thus defines two aspects of the objects the data they contain and the behavior they possess. Member functions are considered to be a part of the object and are declared in the class definition. They are referred to as methods of the class. A public member of a class is one that can be read or written by anybody, in the case of a data member, or called by anybody, in the case of a member function. A private member can be read, written or called by a member function of that particular class.
There are other useful concepts in C++ language like Inheritance. Inheritance is an important concept. The idea behind inheritance is that if a program or code is written and if the same code can be used in other codes, then it is called inheritance. This means that a good amount of time is saved by using the concept of inheritance. The data types that are used in C++ range from integer, characters, strings, Boolean, user defined data types, etc.
At we provide Assignment help, Homework help and Online Tutoring in Computers and Programming related subjects. Our tutors are experts in various Programming Languages. They have completed their Masters and Doctorates from Ivy League Universities. We provide 24/7 assistance to students in College and University. So, one can feel free to contact us at any time of the day or night. For more details visit our websites and .
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Economics Assignment Help
Economics is the study of unlimited wants over limited resources. The study of Economics is particularly important and relevant in business administration. For example if a company wants to introduce a new product into the market, then it must know how the demand for the product is. If the product has a close substitute, then it will look at the market of that substitute and can conclude what would be the demand for the product if it is introduced. This is just one side of the story. The other side of the story is the supply. If the demand can be anticipated, then the supply of the product can also be formulated. This formulation is very important because, for example if the demand for the product is say about 1000 units and regardless of this if the company produces 5000 units, then the 4000 units produced will be a waste of resource and in some cases a loss to the company. So, a proper supply calculation is also important.
There are other things which the subject of Economics also speaks about is the market conditions. Markets are one of the important factors to be considered while producing goods. Markets in Economics can range from Perfect Competition on one extreme and Monopoly, another extreme. The rest of the market conditions like Monopolistic competition, Oligopolistic competition, Oligopoly, Duopoly, etc fall in between the two extremes of market conditions. The concept of market condition is important because a firm will act differently in different market conditions. For example, if the firm is a monopoly, then the firm will try to earn abnormal profits for a long period of time. Looking at these abnormal profits, other firms will try to enter the market and will try to make good of these profits. If these firms successfully enter the market and start producing goods, then the earlier monopoly firm will earn abnormal profits as it used to do. And on the other extreme if a firm is part of perfect competition, then the firm will behave differently. As the market conditions will not permit to increase the price, the firm will not increase the price and it will not decrease the price for more demand because, decreasing the price will only yield loss to the firm. So, a thorough knowledge of market conditions is very essential in the study of Economics.
Studying economics is not an easy task. The subject requires a lot of patience and perseverance. It also requires experts’ assistance to understand and decipher some important concepts. Some concepts require experts’ interpretation in various concepts.
We at provide help in Economic concepts like Supply-demand analysis, Comparative statistics, Dynamic analysis, Risk and uncertainty, Productivity & Income Growth, Cost curves, Profit maximization, Capital markets, Game Theory, Unemployment, Entry and exit, Competitive markets, Economic "surplus", Efficiency of markets, Market structure, Monopoly power, Pricing power, Oligopoly, Factor markets, Factor-labor markets, Economic Regulation, Solow Growth Model, Neoclassical Growth Model, Expanding Variety Models, The Keynesian Multiplier Model, Monetary policy, Fiscal Policy, Stochastic dominance, Phillips Curve, etc and many more. We provide online tutoring, assignment help and homework help for students ranging from high school, College and University. Our experts are Masters and Doctorates in Economics from The Ivy League who provide world-class assistance in Economics. Our work is characterized by 100% quality and 0% plagiarism, lowest cost, unlimited iterations.
For further details visit our website at and
Marketing Assignment Help
Philip Kotler, who is one of the foremost authorities in the field of Marketing, defines Marketing as a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and value with others.
Marketing is one of the central functions of a firm, the others being Research and Development (R&D), Manufacturing, Finance, IT and Human Resources. All the functions mentioned here concentrate on internal matters where as Marketing is the only process that is concerned with external matters, the customer. It is a crucial process without which a firm cannot function. Even without a manufacturing, a firm can supply a product to the customer. But, without marketing, the customer would not come to the firm in the first place, except for in rare occasions.
Marketing being a subset of Economics derives many of its theories from Economics. Marketing includes concepts and topics like 5 C's of marketing - company, collaborators, customers, competitors, and climate; Market Segmentation; Target Market Selection; Market Analysis – involving market sizing, drivers, restraints, trends, distribution channel, etc; 4P’s of Marketing; Brand Equity; Pricing Strategy; Product life cycle ; Business Marketing; Customer lifetime value (CLV); Customer relationship management (CRM); Marketing orientation; Integrated marketing communication.
At we provide the best help in assignments, homework and online tutoring in Nursing apart from other subjects. Our tutors are professionals and experts in their respective fields which include subjects like Statistics, Finance, Economics, Marketing, Human Resources, Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Computers, Biology, English and other subjects. All our services are provided 24/7. So, any time of the day or night, one can just count on us for academic help.
We provide assistance to students from K-12, College and University. The prices that we quote are moderate and the quality that we offer is the best one can get. We quote the prices depending upon the intensity of the assignment and the time that is given to us. Our work is 100% plagiarism proof. We do not resell our work, i.e. an assignment or homework delivered to one student will not be delivered to another student seeking help in the same subject. This is the reason why 90% of the students come back to us.
For more details visit our websites and
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Culture Race & Ethnicity Assignment help
Culture: The word Culture is derived from a Latin word “Cultura” meaning to cultivate. Over 17th, 18th, and 19th century, the word was used differently, but in the early 20th century, the word was used to mean “the evolved human capacity to classify and represent experiences with symbols and act imaginatively and creatively”. The emergence of the above definition of culture emerged because of the increased interest in the study of anthropology. This concept became central to the subject of anthropology.
It has been observed that culture has a very important role to play in human society. The need to learn behavior and use it in a creative manner is the key factor that separates us from many animals and primates. In fact, there is a debate among the primatologists. Some argue that primates have a culture and others argue that they do not. Culture is the behavior, trait, education and perception that people learn from their childhood.
Race: Race is the classification of humans into groups based on various factors such as culture, language, social practice or heritable characteristics. Even, race can be defined biologically. It denotes a genetically divergent population that can be marked by common observable traits.
Broadly, human population is divided into many races like Caucasian, Hispanic, European, Asian, Australian Aborigines, etc. There are many sub races which can be identified based on the country that the people live in.
Ethnicity: The concept of ethnicity is very similar to that of race but there are subtle differences between them. Ethnicity refers to people who identify themselves with sharing a common heritage, often a common language, common culture and common religion. The word ethnic and ethnicity are derived from the Greek word, “ethnos” translated as nation. The modern meaning for the word ethnic evolved in the 19th and 20th century. One of the important traits of ethnicity is that an ethnic group does not want to forgo its cultural identity, the distinctiveness.
For any assistance or help in Sociology subject you can visit our website at and We provide Assignment help, Homework help and Online tutoring in the subject of Sociology apart from others. The concepts that we cover in Sociology are Sociology: Perspective, Theory and Method, Culture, Race and Ethnicity, Socialization and Social Interaction In Everyday Life, Groups and Organizations, Social and Gender Stratification, Deviance and Social Control, Population, Urbanization, and Environment, Social Change: Modern and Postmodern Societies, Analyze the effects of current sociological issues, Analyze Sociological Issues. We can provide help for topics other than these as well. We charge a fraction of what our competitors charge and still deliver the best assignment in terms of quality.
Nursing at
Nursing as a profession came to limelight when an educated woman named Florence Nightingale took care of injured soldiers during the Crimean war. Soon the profession was accepted by many and it evolved into its present form.
The aim of nursing professionals worldwide is to provide quality care for all, while maintaining credentials, code of ethics, standards and competencies and continuing their education. The path of becoming a nurse may vary from country to country but the core remains the same. Providing quality care for all.
The basic and the most important concepts in nursing are: Nursing Administration or Forensic Nursing, Nursing and Medical Science - Acute Care, Neonatal care, Gerontology, Pediatric, Midwifery, Mental Health and Anesthesia, Nursing Principles, Patient care, Medical terminologies, Investigative assignments, Palliative care, Preventive medicine, Surgical, Anatomy, General Physiology, Case study, Review of journal articles, Clincal terminology, Acute Care, Pediatric care, Nursing Concepts, Oncology, Clinical terminology, Adult Nursing Principles of rehabilitation, Diabetic Nursing, Bacteriology, Smoking addiction, Alcohol addiction, Alcoholism Community, Nursing, Surgery care, Pre operative care, Intensive Care, Child care, Histology, Virology.
At we provide the best help in assignments, homework and online tutoring in Nursing apart from other subjects. Our tutors are professionals and experts in their respective fields which include subjects like Statistics, Finance, Economics, Marketing, Human Resources, Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Computers, Biology, English and other subjects. All our services are provided 24/7. So, any time of the day or night, one can just count on us for academic help.
We provide assistance to students from K-12, College and University. The prices that we quote are moderate and the quality that we offer is the best one can get. We quote the prices depending upon the intensity of the assignment and the time that is given to us. Our work is 100% plagiarism proof. We do not resell our work, i.e. an assignment or homework delivered to one student will not be delivered to another student seeking help in the same subject. This is the reason why 90% of the students come back to us. Visit our websites and for further details.
Law at
The Institutions that frame, amend, execute, uphold and protect the law are the Legislature, Executive and the Judiciary. The Legislature is the place where new laws are framed, old laws are amended according to the present situations. The House of Lords and the House of Commons in England, The Senate in the United States are the best examples. The Executive is that part of the legal system where the enacted laws are executed properly. All the Government Institutions come under this category. The Judiciary is the final pillar in this three-tier system. The Judiciary is the place where the laws are interpreted and upheld. The Supreme Court and other smaller courts are the example.
During the medieval period, there was no significant difference between the legislature, the executive and the judiciary. The King was the legislature as he used to make laws, the king’s men used to execute them, and the King himself was the judiciary as he used to decide whether something was right or not. During the period, the Church got involved in the political scenario so much so that, the clergymen used to interfere with the smooth functioning of the legal system. So, clearly a new system had to evolve. And with the rise of democracy and the downfall of the monarchy started in the Europe and the rapid colonization of the Americas, the Africa, the Asia and the Australia, many newly formed nations decided to separate the legal system and the present three-tier system of separate Legislature, Executive and the Judiciary came into being.
The present legal system in many democratic as well as monarchial nations, aspects that are covered are: Constitutional and Administrative Law; Criminal Law; Contract Law; Property Law; Equity and Trusts; Labor Law; Human Rights; Civil Procedure and Criminal Procedure; Social Security Law; Family Law; Company Law; Commercial Law; Intellectual Property; Tax Law; Banking Law; Consumer Law; Environmental Law and many more.
At we provide the best assignment, homework help, online tutoring, etc to students. We cover the above mentioned topics and many more in Law. Our tutors are experts in their respective fields. They hold their Masters and Doctorates from the Ivy League. We provide assistance to students who are in their college and University. Visit our sites and for further details.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Sociology at
The subject ranges from the humble micro level of agency and interaction to the macro level of systems and social structures. The subject is both topically and methodologically a very broad discipline. Traditionally, sociology was limited to the study of social stratification, social class, social mobility, religion and law. Gradually, the focus expanded to include subjects such as health, military and penal institutions and the Internet.
The concept of sociology can be traced back to the time of Aristotle. With his famous quotation, “man is a social animal.” However, the real and concrete study about sociology began only in the 18th century.
The word Sociology was derived from two words, Latin word “socius” and Greek word “logos”. Significant contributions to the subject were made by Auguste Comte, Karl Marx, Herbert Spencer and Emile Durkheim.
The subject has seen the introduction of topics like Positivism, Anti-positivism, Functionalism, Conflict Theory, Computational Sociology, Culture, Criminality, Deviance, Law and Punishment, Economic Sociology, Environment, Education, Family, Gender and Sexuality, Health and Illness, Media, Military, Political Sociology, Race and Ethnic Relations, Religion, Social Networks, Social Psychology.
At our tutors provide assistance in the above mentioned topics in Sociology. For further details visit our website at and for further details. All of our tutors are Masters and Doctorates from The Ivy League.
Statistics Assignment Help
Statistics in Business is the Science of Decision Making In The Face Of Uncertainty.
Therefore a prior knowledge and expertise in Statistics will make the future managers of a Corporation more scientific and analytical in approach. The various disciplines in which statistics is applied would be in financial analysis, econometrics, auditing, production and operations including services improvement and marketing research.
Various topics and subtopics in statistics which are great importance in business are Time Series, Binomial and Normal Distributions, Test of Hypotheses, Linear Regression and Correlation.
The application of statistics can be found in business in many forms. One of the most utilized ways is to determine the emerging trends and develop a product in line with consumer preferences, testing of the products for compliance, forecast sales for the next five years, etc.
At Help With our experts in Statistics provide Correlation, Regression, Karl Pearson’s Coefficient, Random Variables, Distributions, Bayes’ Theorem, Binomial Distribution, Probability, Expectation Theory, Hypothesis Test, Central Limit Theory. All our tutors hold their Masters and Doctorates from the Ivy League.
For more details visit our website at and for further details. We provide assistance in subjects like Engineering, Math, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Programming, Nursing, Chemical Engineering, Economics, Human Resources, Accounting, Statistics, Finance, Corporate Strategy, Marketing, Law, Political Science, Operations Management, Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Sociology, IT Security, Medical Science and Religion.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Guidelines for writing methodology for a dissertation proposal -
The Methodology section relates to SIX rows of the marking grid as shown below

Sampling population – this section identifies the group (or set of things) that you will be making your knowledge claims about, your population. You need to identify this group (who/what are they and why are they interesting), consider issues of access (a realistic outline of how you are going to get to them/it) and why you have excluded other groups (who/what you will not be studying and why).
Sampling procedure and size –You need to explain the procedure you will use or have used to select your sample, the size and makeup of the sample (including a discussion of saturation for qualitative study) and a justification of your choices – why have you chosen to use your sample selection procedure?
Methodology – Philosophy – here you will discuss your particular methodology, and give a justification of why it is appropriate to answer your research question (e.g. phenomenology, causal research)
Methodology – Design – here you explain how you will collect your data, your method (e.g. focus groups, techniques, questionnaire, experiment). Again you must justify your choices, why are they the most useful ones to answer your research question?
Methodology – proposed data analysis – here you explain how you will analyse your data, once collected. This should be appropriate to the methodology, methods chosen and your question.
Methodology – limitations – here you show that you understand the limitations of your proposed research. You need to discuss the limitations of your philosophy and design in order to gain full marks.
The marker will be looking to see that all of these sections make sense when looked at as a whole. For example, if you claim you are doing phenomenology in your philosophy section, then in your design section you outline that you will be using questionnaires for the main part of your data collection and analyzing them using SPSS, you will lose marks as this does not make sense. The marker will be looking at each section as it relates to what has gone before, make sure yours makes sense read as a whole and not just as separate sections!!
7) Project plan
Use a Gannt style of chart to sensibly map out what areas of research you will undertake across the timescale. You should be familiar with Gannt charts from your other study, but if not, you can find information about Gannt charts on the internet.
For more help on Dissertation writing or porposal writing please feel free to contact
Guidelines for writing a good dissertation proposal -
This is what would be expected for a proposal table of contents
1) Title page
2) Table of contents
3) Background
4) Literature review
5) Research questions
6) Methodology
7) Project plan
Lets go go through the main sections
1) Title page and 2) Table of contents - should be self explanatory!!
3) Background and 4) Literature review and 5) Research questions
The background and literature review and research questions are assessed using the first THREE sections of the marking grid.

In the background, you need to give the background to the proposed study. This might be (but is not limited to) a personal discussion of why you are interested in this area, data and/or information from trade journals,/magazines/newspapers/news media, secondary research reports on the area you are studying, internet sources (NOT Wikipedia!!) and so on. The purpose of the background section is to show why your area of study is valuable or interesting and to give some background on the context of your study
The literature review looks at the peer reviewed academic literature (books and journal articles) on your area of study. This is the place you begin to look at the academic conversations about your area of interest, identify the key writers and the main arguments and suggest a possible contribution that your research might make. There is no clear cut answer to the question “how many sources do I need?” the answer is enough to show an appreciation of the area you are studying and the main academic discussions taking place.
Markers are looking for research that is shown through these sections to be interesting, timely, valid and offers a real contribution to knowledge of this particular area. Please bear in mind that “no-one has done research on this” is not a well thought out research gap or potential contribution; do not use this as your main argument for pursuing your research. There might be a good reason it has not been done, it might not be very interesting or necessary!!
Your research questions must clearly tackle the engagement with the literature that you have claimed. A research question follows on from the background and literature review and is turning an interest stimulated through those sections into a question (or series of questions) questions should have a question mark at the end!! Try not to write too many questions, 3 should be the maximum, 1 is acceptable as long as it clearly tackles the engagement with the literature.
For more help on Dissertation writing or porposal writing please feel free to contact
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Various tools to be used for writing a good Business Proposal - De Bono’s Six Thinking Hats by team
There are a number of thinking tool for group discussion and individual thinking that one should use while writing a business proposal. Few of them include:
Brainstorming (brainwriting)
De Bono’s 6 thinking hats
Mind Mapping
Let’s discuss the De Bono’s 6 thinking hats in this article. The others would be discussed in our other articles to come-
De Bono’s 6 thinking hats is a method for incorporating lateral thinking into problem solving. It has six modes of thinking (represented by different coloured hats) and helps seeing different sides of a problem
Understanding the implication of the various hats –
Red – emotion, intuition and feelings
• Put forward ideas based on intuition, gut reaction, without need for justification
• Also to be used to prospect how other people will react emotionally to a problem or proposed solution
White – information - Focus is on facts, figures, information needs and gaps in knowledge
Black – caution
• Use logical judgment to point out weak points of a proposal
• Helps to make plans tougher and more resilient before embarking on a course of action
Green – creativity - Freewheeling way of thinking, without criticism
Blue – process - Bird’s eye on the process of thinking (meta-cognition)
Yellow – optimism -Use logical judgment to point out the benefits of a proposal and why it will work
Other important point
• Exhaust potential contributions of each hat before moving to the next
• No fixed order of hats
• Not all hats have to be used
De Bono’s Six Thinking Hats - When to Use and what is the main purpose
The main purpose of using this tool is to broaden thinking beyond tired old ideas and to promote new ideas. This tools also helps in achieving the following:
• Solution generation
Encourages more effort in the evaluation of new ideas
Green hat
• Solution evaluation
Black hat
• Solution implementation
Blue hat has expert tutors for all subjects who would be happy to help you in understanding these tools as well implementing it in your Assignment.
How to check for plagiarism in your assignments
Generally students tend to plagiarize assignments and projects. If they are caught they have to face many consequences such as facing penalty or even termination. Therefore, every student should check for plagiarism before submission of their assignments and homework., which regularly uses such tools, has done a thorough analysis of the options available to students on 2 parameters – cost and quality of check. Here are the results and the HwA ranks for all options.

Therefore, if you have written an article and know that only internet based resources have been used; students can go in for any of the free options listed above. However, when in doubt students should use better tools such as
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Growth in Private Online Tutoring Business

According to Steve Pines, executive director of the Education Industry Association, spending on tutors is growing at more than 5 percent a year. This is down from yearly growth of 8 to 10 percent in 2007, when the education research firm EduVentures estimated the size of the tutoring industry at $5 billion to $7 billion a year. But it is still strong, given the state of most people’s personal finances. And Sandi Ayaz, executive director of the National Tutoring Association, said the number of tutors her organization had certified had grown 18 percent in each of the last five years
While tutors once focused on helping children who were falling behind in particular subjects or had a learning disability, they are now being used far more to guide students through particularly tough courses, insure their grades are equal to or above their peers’ and, in the end, polish a child’s college application
People have been pulling back for tutors charging $250 to $400 an hour,” said Sandy Bass, editor and publisher of Private School Insider, an online newsletter. “They’re still using tutors, but they’re searching around for more reasonably priced help. In Manhattan, $85 to $150 is the acceptable range for reasonably priced.”
Mr. Pines of the Education Industry Association said he had seen the same reassessment in the rest of the country, where the average rate was $45 to $65 an hour. Parents who once would have had in-home tutors are going to tutoring centers, while some using the centers have cut back on hours or moved to online-only platforms. He said a rising player in this field is, an online education company, that charges $90.00 a month for help on an Internet platform.
HWA provides seamless online tuitions in sessions of 30 minutes, 60 minutes or 120 minutes covering a variety of subjects. The specialty of HWA online tuitions are:
* Conducted by experts in the subject taught
* Tutors selected after rigorous assessment and training
* Tutoring sessions follow a pre-decided structure based on instructional design best practices
* State-of-the art technology used
With a whiteboard, document sharing facility, video and audio conferencing as well as chat support HWA’s one-on-one tuitions have a large following.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Programming Thesis Help at
We provide Thesis help and Dissertation help in Programming languages like Java, C, C++, Prolog, ASP.Net, PHP, Visual C++, Visual C#, etc and many more.
At we provide the best help in preparing a Thesis and/or Dissertation in Programming Languages. Our experts help in preparing the best Theses or Dissertations. Their exceptional writing skills, high qualifications and years of working in the field, makes them ideal for writing Thesis and Dissertations. All of our tutors are highly qualified people with many of them having done their Masters and PhDs from the Ivy League of Premier Schools.
We provide services like Ideations, Thesis proposal writing, thesis writing, literature review services, thesis preperation services, etc. One can also approach us with different set services in mind and we will definitely provide help.
We provide best quality services to our students. This is the reason why many of our students come back to us.
Unlike other sites we do not reseil our work, i.e., when a student comes to us seeking a help, we do not sell him/her the work that was delivered to another student. We are totally against this as this amounts to deceiving.
Our work is 100% plagiarism free. We are totally against it. We do not copy the work from some one else and claim it as our work.
For best quality and original thesis writing services visit our website at or write to us at
Marketing Thesis Help at
A Marketing Thesis may sometimes provide solutions to certain problems faced in the market. The concept should keep the reader interesting and that is the key to a good thesis.
At we provide the best quality Marketing thesis writing services to students. Quality is our first priority. We believe that quality is the key to everything. That’s why when a student comes seeking our help, we take a thorough look at the problem at hand and we allocate the correct person or persons to help him. Here we make sure that the persons we allocate know what they are doing and are qualified to handle the task.
We provide services like Ideations, Thesis proposal writing, thesis writing, literature review services, thesis preperation services, etc. One can also approach us with different set services in mind and we will definitely provide help.
This is the reason why most of our students come back to us. At least 90% of the students return to us for help. And our tutors and/or experts are highly qualified professionals who hold their Masters and PhDs from the Ivy League of Premier Schools.
Unlike other sites we do not resell our work, i.e., when a student comes to us seeking a help, we do not sell him/her the work that was delivered to another student. This amounts to deceiving.
Our work is 100% plagiarism free. We are totally against it. We do not copy the work from some where else and claim it as ours.
For best quality and original thesis writing services visit our website at or write to us at
Management Thesis Help at
We provide Thesis and Dissertation services like Ideations, Thesis proposal writing, thesis writing, literature review services, thesis preperation services, etc. One can also approach us with different set services in mind and we will definitely provide help.
When managing people Management subject takes some help from Psychology. There are many schools of thought which propogate how to motivate people, how to control people, how to manage people, etc. These concepts are required by the management of an organization to achieve the end result of the organization.
When it comes to management of resources, optimum utilization of resources has to take place in order that the organization gains highest amount of profit with a given investment.
At we provide the best Thesis help for Management Thesis. Our writers are qualified Masters and PhD holders and are experienced in writing Thesis and Dissertations in Management. Whenever, a student comes to us for help, we have a detailed look at the topic and get back to the student with the price quotation, after negotiations, the we start with the work of preparing the thesis. If the student supplies us with the study material that is to be followed then, we certainly take those into consideration. So, thereby, we provide a customized thesis help for every student who wants help from us.
We do not resell our work. A thesis written for a person will not be sold to somebody else. Our policy is also against Plagiarism.
For further details visit our website or write to us at
Engineering Thesis Help at
At we make sure that if an Engineering student comes to us seeking help in writing a Thesis or a Dissertation, we help him by providing services like Ideations, Thesis proposal writing, thesis writing, literature review services, thesis preperation services, etc. One can also approach us with different set services in mind and we will definitely provide help.
Whatever be the stream of engineering, you can come to us. We can provide you with the best-quality thesis or dissertation. Our experts who themselves hold Masters and PhDs from top Universities, are experienced in writing Thesis and Dissertations in Engineering. make sure that what you receive is the best thesis.
At we provide the best Thesis help for Engineering Thesis. Whenever, a student comes to us for help, we have a detailed look at the topic and get back to the student with the price quotation, after negotiations, the we start with the work of preparing the thesis. If the student supplies us with the study material that is to be followed then, we certainly take those into consideration. So, thereby, we provide a customized thesis help for every student who wants help from us.
We do not resell our work. A thesis written for a person will not be sold to somebody else. Our policy is also against Plagiarism.
For further details visit our website or write to us at
Friday, August 20, 2010
Algebraic Topology Assignment help at
The algebraic tools used in topology include various cohomology theories, homology theories, homotopy groups, and groups of maps. These in turn have necessitated the development of more complex algebraic tools such as derived functors and spectral sequences; the machinery mostly derived from homological algebra is powerful if rather daunting.
The value of algebraic topology is measured by the extent to which it answers questions which arise more geometrically. These classical topics were, before the development of the full algebraic tools, often treated as questions involving numbers. For example, the dimension of a real vector space is a topological invariant say, R^n is not homeomorphic to R^m if n > m, but this was not easy to prove for m > 1. Likewise, many questions about maps between n-dimensional spaces could be resolved with an appeal to the degree of the map, an extension of the winding number from complex analysis, due to Brouwer-- the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra and the Hairy Ball Theorem are two well-known examples. Other questions of a geometric nature which can be addressed with an appeal to the algebra include fixed-point theorems. For example, Lefschetz's theorem guarantees a fixed point if a certain calculated number is nonzero; Smith theory studies the regularity of fixed points under self-homeomorphisms of finite order.
At we provide the best Mathematics Assignment help, Mathematics Homework help, Mathematics Online Tutoring, Mathematics Thesis Help and Mathematics Dissertation Help for College and University students. Our site is being supported by Tutors who are experts in Mathematics. All of them are Masters and PhDs from top Universities and most of them are from the Ivy League of Premier Schools.
Quality is our top priority and we offer our services 24/7 at a fraction of cost than others. So, you can contact us any time of the day or night and we will cater to your needs.
Visit our website at or write to us at for further details.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
C++ Assignment help at HWA
The language began as an enhancement to C by first adding classes, then virtual functions, operator overloading, multiple inheritance, templates and exception handling among other features.
C++ introduced object-oriented programming features to C. It offers classes, which provide the four features commonly present in object-oriented languages: abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism. Objects are instances of classes created at runtime.
C++ programs are very much portable. One can practically the same code in almost any type of computer and operating system without making any changes.
C++ programs are brief when compared to programs written in other languages, since the use of special characters is preferred to keywords, saving some time and effort of the programmer.
Another feature of C++ programming is the use of Modular programming. A module can be defined as a set of related procedures with the data they manipulate is often called a module.
C++ has also an additional feature, backward compatibility with C language. Any code written in C can easily be included in a C++ program without any changes.
At we provide the best C++ Assignment Help and Homework Help apart from C++ Online Tutoring. We also provide Thesis and Dissertation Help in C++ Language.
Our tutors are experts in Computer Science with all of them holding their Masters and PhDs from the Ivy League of Premier Schools.
We provide the above services 24/7. So, one can contact us at any time of the day or night and we are always ready. The services that we provide are for a cost which is very much affordable. So, feel free to contact us for any Assignment, Homework, Online Tutoring, Thesis and Dissertation help in C++ Language and any other Programming Language.
For further details visit our website at and .
C Assignment help at HWA
The ANSI standard formalized many of the topics ot notions introduced in K&R. It includes a standard library and requires the declaration of functions so that the compiler may check the number, type and order of arguments to functions.
A C program is a set of functions. A C program always starts by executing in a special function called the main function. This is the first entry point for all C programs. It starts from the beginning of the main function to its ending.
A C program has data types that are used to store various types of data that is processed by the program. C supports various data types such as character, integer and floating-point types.
C program has variables that store a name of data storage location in computer memory. We use a variable to refer to the memory address of computer.
C program has a number of operators. Operators can be defined as symbols which take one or more operands or expressions and perform arithmetic or logical computations. In C, the Operators are divided based on the category they belong to. These include, Arithmetic Oepratos, Logical Operators, Relational Operators, Ternary Operators, Increment Operators, Bit-wise Operators and Assignment Operators.
At we provide the best C Assignment Help and Homework Help apart from C Online Tutoring. We also provide Thesis and Dissertation Help in C Language.
Our tutors are experts in Computer Science with all of them holding their Masters and PhDs from the Ivy League of Premier Schools.
We provide the above services 24/7. So, one can contact us at any time of the day or night and we are always ready. The services that we provide are for a cost which is very much affordable. So, feel free to contact us for any Assignment, Homework, Online Tutoring, Thesis and Dissertation help in C Language and any other Programming Language.
For further details visit our website at and .
Visual Basic Assignment Help at
Event-driven languages like Visual Basic are built using one or more forms. On these one places a variety of controls and attach code or all of them to suit the purpose of the program.
The main reasons for the transition from C, C++ and Pascal to Visual Basic occurred because, earlier in C and C++ a Graphical User Interface design was much harder when compared to that in Visual Basic. In C and C++ the programmer had to actually write the code for the slightest movement of cursor and this code could go from few pages to a many pages. But, this was problem was solved by Visual Basic, as the code for many actions were already written down. The user or the programmer had to just ‘drag and drop’ the function that was required and everything else was done by Visual Basic’s back-end code.
So, this way the user could concentrate on other important things in the program, there by reducing the time taken to complete the task and there is another side to it. The default functions were accurate enough to be used again and again.
Visual Basic is not only a programming language but also a complete graphical development environment. Visual Basic’s main selling point is the ease with which it allows the user to create a nice looking, graphical programs with little coding by the programmer, unlike many other languages that may take hundreds of lines of code.
The main objcet of a Visual Basic is called Form. This form will eventually be incorporated into the program as a window. To this form one adds controls.
At we provide the best Visual Basic Assignment Help and Homework Help apart from Visual Basic Online Tutoring. We also provide Thesis and Dissertation Help in Visual Basic Language.
Our tutors are experts in Computer Science with all of them holding their Masters and PhDs from the Ivy League of Premier Schools.
We provide the above services 24/7. So, one can contact us at any time of the day or night and we are always ready. The services that we provide are for a cost which is very much affordable.
So, feel free to contact us for any Assignment, Homework, Online Tutoring, Thesis and Dissertation help in Visual Basic Language and any other Programming Language.
For further details visit our website at and
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Prolog Assignment Help at
Relational Databases; Mathematical Logic; Abstract problem solving; Understanding neutral language; Design automation; Symbolic equation solving; Biochemical structure analysis; Many areas of artificial intelligence.
Newcomers to Prolog find that the task of writing a Prolog program is not like specifying an algorithm in the same way as in a conventional programming language. Instead, the Prolog programmer asks more about which formal relationships and objects occur in the problem and which relationships are “true” about the desired solution. So, Prolog can be viewed as a descriptive language as well as a perspective one. The Prolog approach is more about describing known facts and relationships about a problem and less about prescribing the sequence of steps taken by a computer to solve a problem.
Prolog is a programming language that is used to solve problems related to objects and the relationship between the objects. The establishment of relationship between two objects gives rise to a number of problems.
This should not be confused with another popular programming concept called object-oriented programming. In object-oriented programming, an object is a data structure that can inherit fields and executable methods from a class hierarchy to which the object belongs. Although the origin of the concept can be traced back to the mid 1960s, it became very popular in the 80s and 90s with the introduction of C++ and Java, among other languages.
At we provide excellent Online Tutoring, Assignment help and Homework help in Prolog Programming. Our tutors are Masters and PhDs from the Ivy League of Premier Schools. Visit our website for further details.
Java Assignment Help at
Surprisingly Java was not for the internet. Instead the primary motivation was the need for platform independent language that could be used to create software to be embedded in various consumer electronic devices, such as toasters, microwave ovens and remote controls. And the internet at the time of Java’s release was mushrooming with many platforms with many operating systems. And that turned out to be a boon for Java and its subsequent acceptance over the internet.
In a span of few years Java went from relative obscurity to being the most important language of the internet. The impact of Java cannot be understated. It transformed the web into a highly interactive environment, setting a new standard for computer language design along the way.
At we provide the best assistance in Java. We have roped in computer experts who have done their Masters and PhDs from the top Universities. They can teach online and prepare A grade Assignments in Java and other related technologies. Visit our website for further details.
Back to School for Kids
Kids who haven’t changed will be a little happy if not nervous to go to school. They are happy because, they’ll be meeting their friends after a gap of two months.
Teachers will start the usual talk of how the New Year would be like as far as the subject goes.
New teachers might just introduce themselves to the class and ask the students for formal introduction of them. And some teachers might have given summer homework for students. So, it is time for the students to explain to the class, what have they done during the summer.
For students as they have come to a higher grade, their responsibility has definitely increased. Students will be informed their responsibilities and it is expected that they adhere to those rules and be responsible. It’s better that student’s note down the rules they are told so that they will not forget them.
Kids, don’t forget to take your essentials. Put your essentials in your bag the last night, so that you avoid all kinds of rush during early morning. Be prepared with all the things that you need to carry along with you to school.
When meeting new people, be the first one to start the conversation. This way you’ll make new friends and also do not forget about your old friends.
Remember, school is not a place for homework and punishment, it’s also a place for fun. So, have lot of fun at school and study well and get good grades.
We are at your service for any homework help and assignment help that you need. So, feel free to contact us. Visit our website at .
Monday, August 9, 2010
Difference between Thesis and Dissertation
Receiving a Masters or a Doctoral degree is every University student’s dream. This dream is fulfilled by only “lucky few” who have the courage and determination to work hard throughout the education period and obtain the Masters or Doctoral
degree. In order to obtain a Masters and/or a Doctoral degree, one must cross the final hurdle. That final hurdle is the successful presentation of a Thesis or a Dissertation document.
Many students do not seem to understand the difference between the two. Many a times they are used interchangebly but there is a difference between the two.
• A PhD Thesis or Dissertation presented, is an original piece of work which the student researches. This research has to be an original and first time ever work. A whole new concept is to be introduced by the student.
• But, where as in Masters Thesis or a Dissertation, a student has to research on an existing work and should research on the topic and present his findings and his views on the topic. This is the conceptual difference between the two.• In most of the North American Universities a thesis isused to in connection with Masters degree and a Dissertation is used in connection with PhD
or a Doctoral degree.
• While British Universities use the word Thesis in connection with PhD degree and Dissertation in connection with a Masters degree.
• About the length of both Thesis and Dissertation, should generally be as follows. A PhD Thesis or Dissertation should generally be more than 300 page document and a Masters Thesis or Dissertation should generally be more than 100 page document.
• A PhD Thesis or Dissertation is submitted the student is given scholarships by the
University. There is no such thing for a Masters Thesis or Dissertation.
• And a Masters Thesis or Dissertation is presented in the partial
fulfillment of the Degree, there are exams which need to be taken care of. While
a PhD Degree is submitted in connection with obtaining the PhD degree itself.
At we provide help in submitting both PhD Thesis or Dissertation and Masters Thesis or Dissertation. Our services include Thesis Proposal Writing, Dissertation Proposal Writing, Research Proposal, Rewriting Services, Thesis Rewriting Services, Proof Reading, Editing Services and Technical Writing Services. These services are provided by
our experts who themselves hold their Masters and PhDs from reputed Institutes
like the Ivy League of Premier Schools. Visit our website at for further details.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Mistakes to avoid while writing a Dissertation.
Sometimes some mistakes might creep up into the document. These mistakes can be subject related like
• Missing information: Sometimes some students miss out on addressing latest developments in the subject, which can have a significant impact on the research and there by an issue with the committee.
• Avoid straying into other topics too much: Its common practice that students generally, stray out into other topics which seem related. Avoid focusing other topics even when they are related. When you have to address that topic, then limit yourself upto mentioning the topic and that’s it.
• Don’t start writing hastily: Many students after choosing their topic start writing their final dissertation before even looking at the amount of research that is needed to understanding the topic and coming to a good conclusion about the topic. Many students feel writing dissertation is a race and start writing. This is a mistake as it will waste the time of the student as well as the professor and the committee. Look very carefully before you take even one small step.
• Too much ambition can turn into burden: Many Research students want to take up a topic which is ground-breaking in the field. This, they think can give them a jump-start career. But, in reality not many topics are ground breaking. Students should not forget that there is a limit to what they understand about the subject and what they can do. So, taking up an ambitious subject for research is not advisable. Try to keep it as simple as possible. The commiittee is here to test your research skills. Its not asking you to invent some new thing which can solve mankind’s problems.
• Do not delay work: Delaying the work will only make the matters worse. Try not waste much of the precious time. Instead make good use of time by making a schedule of things to be done, the amount of time to be spent on each piece of work, etc. Avoid taking extension requests unless you really need them. Ask for extensions only during contingencies.
With the above general mistakes and the ways to avoid them, the path to a good dissertation should not be a difficult one.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010 to offer Thesis and Dissertation Guidance and Help
The salient features of the new services are: Experts would strictly be PhDs or subject matter experts based on extensive experience in the respective subject; Services offered would include tasks such as writing exhaustive literature surveys, conducting statistical analysis, writing technical content amongst others. The idea, as was the case with HwA, is to help students where they seek and need help rather than doing the work on their behalf.
With an experience of delivering over 300 theses across different subjects, it was natural that HwA created a specialized offering for customers around the world. Richa Sethia, co-founder of the firm commented: “ provides a service which students have been waiting for. Our expertise and experience will ensure that students do not have to do with ‘cookie-cutter’ solutions taken from the internet but genuine and original work and ideas.” Today, several companies offer thesis and dissertation help, offering “original” work in 24 hours. A spokesman of HwT pointed how this was impossible, given that even typing out 30-40 pages takes significant time, suggesting that many of these websites indulge in cut-paste jobs rather than delivering original work. HwT intends to fulfill this need of students, who as Sethia put aptly, “have been waiting for this service!”
Monday, July 26, 2010
Economics Help at
The broad concepts which have to be learned in economics are law of demand and law of supply, law of diminishing marginal utility, market structures, Neoclassical model, the Keynesian Model, etc.
The study of economics is important and relevant in business administration. The relevance of economics can be seen in the basic concepts of economics like demand and supply. For example, if a company wants to produce a particular product, it needs to look for the demand for the product and has to produce equal to that of demand in order to strike a balance between the demand and supply for the product.
Studying economics is not a simple thing. It requires a lot of patience and persevarance. It also requires an experts assistance to understand and deciphering some important comcepts. Some concepts require an expert’s interpretation of the concepts as there is a subtle difference between the terminology used in economics is a little different from other subjects in commerce and business administration.
We provide help in economic concepts like Supply-demand analysis, Comparative statistics, Dynamic analysis, Risk and uncertainty, Productivity & Income Growth, Cost curves, Profit maximization, Capital markets, Game Theory, Unemployment, Entry and exit, Competitive markets, Economic "surplus", Efficiency of markets, Market structure, Monopoly power, Pricing power, Oligopoly, Factor markets, Factor-labor markets, Economic Regulation, Solow Growth Model, Neoclassical Growth Model, Expanding Variety Models, The Keynesian Multiplier Model, Monetary policy, Fiscal Policy, Stochastic dominance, Phillips Curve.
At we provide assistance like online tutoring, assignment help and homework help in economics for students ranging from highschool, college and university. Our experts are Masters and PhD provide world-class assistance in economics.
We follow work ethics like 0% plagiarism, high quality, 100% accuracy, lowest cost, unlimited iterations.
Visit our website and for further details.
Note: All copyrights to the content of this article are with the Administrator.
Risk management Assignment help
Risk is the uncertainty of future cash flows.
• Risk = (the probability that some event will occur) X (the consequences if it does occur)
The magnitude of probable outcomes and the probability of their occurrence together determines the riskiness of an event. Genuine uncertainty, on the other hand, cannot be assigned such a (well grounded) probability
Risk Management is all about handling risks in a manner that adds value to the enterprise. The essence of risk management is increasing exposure to the risks which we understand and eliminating and transferring those risks which we do not understand. Risk management does not always mean risk reduction. In all such cases were risk is imperative, increasing the predictive ability also forms part of risk management
Categories of Risk
• Pure Risks and Speculative risks
– Pure risks can only lead to loss (no possibility of gain)
– Speculative risks can lead to both profits and losses
• Acceptable risks and Non Acceptable risks
– Theft of stationary may be acceptable
– Loss of 100 million rupees may not be acceptable
• Static risks and Dynamic risks
– Pure risks are static and speculative are dynamic risks
Risk Management Tools
Hedging - Find two perfectly correlated assets. You buy one and sell another. You have created a hedge position.
Forwards - a contract between two parties for one party agreeing to buy something from the other at a later date at a price agreed upon today
Futures - a contract between two parties for one party to buy something from the other at a later date at a price agreed upon today; subject to a daily settlement of gains and losses and guaranteed against the risk that either party might default
Options - a contract between two parties giving one party the right to buy or sell something from the other at a later date at a price agreed upon today
Swaps - a contract in which two parties agree to exchange a series of cash flows
Friday, July 23, 2010
Why is it important to Join College?
Joining college, is it so important? I think, it is important to join in a college and complete a graduate degree. Yes, a college degree costs a good amount of money, but that is just the beginning. After completing the college, with a degree in hand, one can easily find a good job. If it is a good job, then definitely the pay would also be good.
U.S. Census Bureau released a statistics report saying that young Americans with a college degree can earn up to $50000 per year and their counter parts the high school diploma holders earn only $28000. So, it is clearly evident that with a degree from a college, can really make a difference between “growing career” and “struggling to meet the ends”.
Now high school diploma holders might wonder why they are not earning as much as degree holders. Well, the answer is pretty simple, when it comes to an executive job, much preference is given to those who are highly qualified. In this case, the degree holders are better qualified than the high-school diploma holders. And more over a degree holder’s perception is refined more than a high school passout’s perception. Graduates do things much better than highschool passouts. They can understand a complex phenomenon much better than highschool passouts, generally. Almost all professionals like doctors, engineers, lawyers and other professionals complete their education in college.
This is not to differentiate between graduates and highschool passouts. Today’s graduates were yesterday’s highschool passouts. But, not all highschool pass outs can go to a college. Some students do not have the inclination to study further. Some who start, drop out in the middle.
Those who think otherwise complete their graduation. Those who consistently struggle hard, come out in flying colors. And get good jobs or will go for University.
Note: All copyrights to the content of this article are with the Administrator.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Tips on how to do well in Exams from
Exams are the final hurdle every year that students have to cross. Every student has a fear for exams. Not only weak and average students, but also toppers have a lot of fear. Of course, weak students fear whether they would pass or not and toppers fear what will be their score in the exams. Here are some handy tips that can help you gain good scores.
1. Prepare a timetable: Preparing a timetable and studying accordingly can help you concentrate your attention on all the subjects. You can divide your time according to your preference. If you already have a timetable then reschedule it to accommodate hardest chapters first and the easiest chapters last.
2. Avoid all unnecessary activities: Avoid all the unnecessary activities during your study hour. For better results, switch off your mobiles, computers and other devices. Avoid that chit chat and text messaging for some time.
3. Start reading everyday: Start reading everyday when the school or college starts. 11th hour stress will make you forget things which you know for sure. Don’t study at the last moment. Instead, refer to which you already have studied.
4. Note important things: Don’t forget to note down important points that you come across while studying. Noting them down will let you remember them well and you can also refer to them when you need.
5. Learn point-by-point: Instead of trying to learn a huge answer, try breaking the answer in to points, make a keyword out of each point and make a sentence out of those keywords. This way you can remember huge answers. Remember, we were taught how to remember the nine planets back in school days. “My Very Efficient Mother Just Showed Us Nine Planets”.
6. Don’t just read, practice it: Studying practical subjects like mathematics, statistics and finance will yield nothing. Don’t read the steps, there is a huge possibility that you can forget the steps involved. But, you’ll remember those steps only when you practice them a lot.
7. Don’t overdo yourself: Try not to stress out yourself. Avoid waking all night and trying to study. Studying in the early hours of morning is so refreshing and you’ll remember most things you’ve studied.
8. Avoid heavy food: Avoid heavy and oily food as that will induce sleep. Try food which is light and then start studying. Try vegetarian for a change.
These are some tips that can help you prepare well for your exams. Hope, you guys do well and get good scores in your exams. Wishing you all the best from and Teams.
For more tips and techniques you can write to us at
Note: All copyrights to the content of this article are with the Administrator.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
How to choose a dissertation topic?
And choosing a topic is not so easy as it might sound. Choose a topic which you think is relevent. Don’t choose a topic which is the most popular topic. As it is already a popular topic many students will go for it.
Instead choose a topic which not choosen by many people. This makes your topic unique. Even if you are choosing the popular topic, if you are sure to have a good command over the subject, then only, you choose the topic. Otherwise, that will make your topic, ‘just another topic’. Offer something new from your topic.
Choose a topic which you think can help you further in your academic life. If you want to study further like Masters Program or a Doctoral Program, then choose a topic that can help you in your academics.
Ask those who have done their Masters or PhDs in the same or similar fields, they can suggest you a good topic. Don’t forget to ask your professor. Your professor can be the first choice to suggest you a good topic for your dissertation.
Choose the topic which interests you. Choosing an interestng topic will increase an interest in the subject, because you don’t want to regret after choosing a topic.
Any topic you choose, we are here to help you with your dissertation work. We supported by expert tutors who have their Masters and PhDs from the Ivy League Premier Schools. We also provide assignment help and homework help and online tutoring apart from thesis help and dissertation help in almost all subjects ranging from math, sciences, social sciences, business management, engineering, psychology, political science, law and many more subjects.
Visit our website for further details.
Note: All copyrights to the content of this article are with the Administrator
Professional help in writing Finance Dissertation
They don’t want to invest in risky lines of business.
Finance is studied at college and university for knowledge of how it is dealt with in various walks of life. How much investment is needed to earn a specific amount of profit or how much of profit is produced by investing a certain amount of money, what is return on investment in a certain line of business, to what extent can we invest in that business, etc are all studied in finance.
There are a number of topics in finance to choose from of which some good topics are:
• Stocks and investment: Stock Market Analysis Stock Basics, Online Trading and Investment Stock Charts, Money in Stock Market Role Of Derivatives In The Stock Market, Role Of Statistics In The Equity Market Listing Requirements For Nasdaq
• Financial Services: Custody Services, Intermediation or advisory services, Coglomerates, Market share, Custody services, Commercial bank, Private banking
• debt consolidation: Business Debt Consolidation, Consolidation Loans, Unsecured Debt Consolidation, Loans Debt Consolidation
• Commodities: Commodities Exchange, Commodity Markets, Commodities Trading, Commodities Futures, Commodity Option Trading, Commodity Charts, Commodity Investing
If you are interested in the above topics and want to do a dissertation in the any of the above and many more topics in finance and other subjects as well, you can
visit the site for further details. We are supported by experts who have done their PhDs from Ivy League Premier Schools.
Note: All copyrights to the content of this article are with the Administrator.
Best Dissertation help provider
In order that a student gets the degree, he/ she must submit a dissertation. Dissertation submission is the most important event In the two-three years study program. Even before the research begins, a student has to submit a dissertation proposal to a board of Professors for approval. Only after this proposal is accepted is the work really begins for the student. This proposal contains the details of the work to be done. Like, the problem at hand, the solution in sight and the way to solve the problem and most importantly the possible solution, which would result from the study. All these things are discussed in a dissertation proposal and even In this stage many students’ proposals are not accepeted and are returned. The students are asked to resubmit the proposals because there are some issues which are not addressed properly.
The boards are very strict as regards the submission of dissertation proposal and the actual dissertation goes. So, the students have to be very careful while submitting their proposals and final dissertations. Here, we have to keep one thing in mind that dissertation submission is not an easy task. If students can get a little help from those who have been through this process of submission of dissertation and theses, it would be very helpful to them, isn’t it?
Yes, a help from those who have been through this. A help from PhD holders. This can make a difference between a dissertation proposal turned back and a final dissertation being accepted.
This help is provided by As already disscusses the site is supported by experts who hold their PhDs from the Ivy League Premier Schools. They help students who are in college and University in their dissertations, theses and Assignments. provides help on various or all aspects of Dissertation writing as you need it. As you are aware, Dissertation writing is a multi-step process and none of the steps are trivial. Our expert offer help through email and through live sessions. They offer help in each and every step in the process of preperation of a dissertation.
• Brainstorming: Our experts can help you by brainstorming on several dissertation topics that one can choose the best topic for disseration.
• Dissertation proposal: We help you in the preperation of a dissertation proposal
by giving ideas about the topic, the importance of study, the possible results from the study, etc.
• Experiments: Depending on the nature of the topic, several experiments would be performed. These could be simulations, actual physical experiments or user surveys etc. The data will eventually be used for analysis and proving or disproving the hypoDissertation we have put forth.
• Analysis: Again, depending on the kind of experiments and the hypoDissertation and research questions, different kind of analysis might need to be performed. These could range from statistical analysis, plotting of data to infer results etc.
• Results and Conclusion: Based on the analysis done results and conclusions are drawn and presented in the form of charts or tables.
• Putting it all together: Finally, the report should come out as a concise and coherent piece of write-up which reflects the original work that has gone in.
These are the usual helps that we provide and if a student wants an additional help, we would definitely provide.
Visit our website for further details.
Note: All copyrights to the content of this article are with the Administrator
How to write a good essay
As already discussed, writing is an important task in our lives now, so we need to know how to write better. In order to write better, first of all we can follow few rules and some handy tips that can help us write better on practically any thing.
One important thing that we should remember while writing is that we need to keep the topic a little interesting. And how can we make a topic interesting? Simple, choose a title that can grab the attention of the reader. Now, go ahead and think of the craziest title you can, that you think might grab the attention of the reader.
After grabbing the attention, you need to make sure that the reader starts reading your essay. So, the introduction part must be interesting as well. If you have an exciting idea which you think is enough to make people go crazy, then go ahead and use it in best possible way. There’s this saying in Journalism. “a dog biting a man is not a breaking news, but a man biting a dog is”.
Now, as the things are going smoothly, one can go ahead and give the ideas and opinions about the given topic and can write extensively on it, making sure on the way that the readers don’t fall behind or loose the attention. Go for some punchlines that can surprise the readers and wake them up.
Now that we have the readers’ attention, before closing the essay, one can go for suggestions, if one has to. If you think that your suggestions can really make a difference, then go ahead and give them.
For closing the essay, summarize what you have written. Go for the most important things that you’ve mentioned and prove your point. And this is it. Don’t forget to check your essay for spelling and punctuation errors and edit your stuff, whereever needed.
We are professionals who are here, for those who need a helping hand in their academic writing. We also provide help in theses, dissertations and other academic writings. We also provide online tutoring for College and University students.
Our tutors hold Masters and PhDs from the Ivy League Premier Schools.
For any help in essay writing you can visit the site for further details.
Note: The copyrights for the content of this article belong to the Administrator.